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Tyranny Of Normality Papa Roch

The media is the seduction of human desire (set their money, set their money, on fire), if you try to sell me the truth
then I know you're a liar, a liar

It's the tyranny of normality, it's the tyranny of normality

Our culture has become complacent, and has no desire (take back, take back our empire), and the ethical slaughter of
truth needs to be retired, retired


It's the death of outrage!! I want to turn a new page!! I mourn the death of our age, the obituary's on the front page!!
Since the death of outrage, I want to turn a new page!! I mourn the death of our age, the obituary's on the front page,
it's the death of outrage, i mourn the death of our age, the obituary's on the front page


Album Name : Getting Away With Murder Submitted by : Diego / Suggest Edit

Papa Roch Papa Roch
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